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Jean’s Recipes

Jean cooks with wild abandon. She’s as adventuresome in her cooking as in her sex life — and most of her recipes are great creations.

After the survivors ran out of “grocery store” food, they often had to create their own equivalents out of what could be grown or raised in the area. So, if you’re in the same position, you’ll often have to figure out your own substitutes for what used to be available, pre-apocalypse. Since some of the recipes are those she developed before everyone disappeared, the ingredients are often given in “grocery store” terms.

Be prepared to be creative, because some of the dishes don’t have exact measurements in them. Jean often cooks “to taste” (a little bit of this and that, then a bit more if it doesn’t taste “just right”).

I’ll be posting some of her favorites as she reveals them to me.

-Al Philipson


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